Episode 204: Science vs. Tradition: Using Biomechanics to Teach Yoga with Jules Mitchell 

In this week’s episode, I’m interviewing another rockstar in the yoga and movement space: Jules Mitchell. Jules blends traditional yoga with her wide-ranging knowledge of biomechanics (seriously—she has the masters degree to prove it) to help educate and empower yoga teachers to develop their craft.

Jules leads workshops and courses online and all over the world, as well as hosting her very own 300-hour training course for yoga teachers. She also holds a 6-week online book club studying her own book, Yoga Biometrics: Stretching Redefined, to answer questions and connect like-minded yoga teachers all over the world. 

Jules doesn’t let imposter syndrome and fear hold her back. She created the training she wishes she had with the trust that people everywhere are having the same questions, and now her community of biomechanics-focused yoga teacher is bigger than ever.


  • How Jules got into yoga and movement education
  • Is there a “right way” to teach?
  • Asking the right questions
  • The biomechanics of yoga
  • 300 hour teacher training with Jules
  • Providing the training she wishes she had
  • Jules’ bookclub and online courses
  • Pivoting to online classes
  • Making specific actions accessible for a group
  • Anatomy and biomechanics combined


Connect with Jules on Instagram: @julesyoga
Check out Jules’ website: julesmitchell.com
Join the newsletter at handspringpublishing.com for FREE SHIPPING on Jules’ book!
Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined
Sign Up for Jules’ book club!

Extend Your Learning: Online Education With Jules

Jules Mitchell teaches Yoga Biomechanics online - a 3-day livestream course for yoga teachers curious about biomechanics, stretching, and anatomy

Yoga Biomechanics Livestream

My flagship 3-day livestream course is for teachers who have an insatiable curiosity about human movement and kinesiology, are eager to know what the research says about yoga, and are open to accepting that alignment rules aren’t always accurate. Includes 30 days of access to the livestream replay and slides. 18 CEUs. Learn more >