Stiffness: Part 2

You can still be “flexible” and have mechanically stiff tendons and ligaments. If you read my first post on the topic of biomechanical stiffness, you may remember this statement: The problem is that when we use stiffness in a casual manner, it...

Stiffness: Part 1

Somehow stiffness got a really bad rap.  We are always griping and complaining about stiffness:  “I have stiff neck,”  “That long car ride left my back and legs painfully stiff,”  “My shoulders are so stiff I need a massage,”...

Tissue Mechanics: Connective Tissues

As I approach the final months of my graduate program (!!!!!!), I am gaining momentum for the next step:  sharing my research with the world. As part of that process, I will be writing more blog posts.  I got into biomechanics so I could do more math.  I love math. ...

Welcome to my Blog

Thanks for stopping by to read my blog.  In this post, you will learn a little bit about me and what I write. Yoga has been a regular part of my life for over 20 years, during which time my practice has dramatically changed and my teaching style has evolved to reflect...