Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

So I was lamenting with some colleagues about how I am feeling conflicted about teaching and writing at this time. Don’t we have more pressing concerns than a nagging, albeit tolerable, pain below the butt during yoga class? I mean really, let’s get some perspective here.

But then I was served perspective by my friend and colleague Catherine Cowey. She reminded me that our work is also about scientific literacy and critical thinking skills. And that by questioning things we’ve been taught about asana on our mats, examining the available evidence, and then choosing the best course of action, we learn to evaluate what we see, what we read, and what we hear.

To Bend or Not to Bend (the Knees in a Forward Fold*)

To Bend or Not to Bend (the Knees in a Forward Fold*)

I am not sure how or why this division came about, but whether or not to bend the knees during a hamstring stretch is a fiercely contested topic in the yoga community. Perhaps it is because injury at the proximal tendon (yellow part of photo below) is quite common among yoga teachers and students. When I lead biomechanics workshops for yoga teachers, I often ask who in the room has experienced, or knows someone who has experienced, proximal hamstring tendon injuries. The show of hands is staggering.

Stiffness: Part 1

Somehow stiffness got a really bad rap.  We are always griping and complaining about stiffness:  “I have stiff neck,”  “That long car ride left my back and legs painfully stiff,”  “My shoulders are so stiff I need a massage,”...